Thread: MBT's
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Old February 20th, 2011, 04:23 PM

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Fallout Re: MBT's

Japan finally to get the TK-X or TYPE-10 as it will be designated by the JDF. This is an update from the original posting off this site. The date for the game unit (Japan 022.)
This is considered the most advanced tank in the world with the Korean K-2 "BLACK PANTHER" a close second. It has an advanced armor system to rival it's bigger brethren and an advanced AP round that gives it's Japanese modified and made SB 120mm L-44 a much "bigger punch" then what they originally got from the Germans. The gun was slightly modified to support the highly classified new AP round. Except to say they have the round is all I can find out about it without getting into speculative blog thoughts. This was one of the R&D issues that has delayed this tank besides the faltering Japanese economy.
This gets a pic:
Click image for larger version

Name:	Japanese TYPE 10 or TK-X..jpg
Views:	845
Size:	36.8 KB
ID:	10849

Why now, see this on the Asian situation. Russia for instance will place one of the new French built MINSTREL Carriers off the Kurile Islands. China and Russia are turning up the heat for counties like Japan, S. Korea, India, Australia, others in the region and by default the U.S.

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