Originally Posted by Executor
Ouch, that was unpleasant.
Well I kinda half way gave up after that bloody massacre on the central front, still not sure how I lost that one.
I managed to keep ahead resource vice during this war and not lose ground on the main island, but as of last turn this changed.
I've lost the Ulm - Bandar lands, the seas are lost, former TC lands too, and as of last and this turn effectively 70% of my SC's are down with virtually no loses on your side.
What's left of my forces is cursed, severely afflicted, horror marked and what not. You've broken the northern front, whipped out my army on the central front, and broken the southern one once again.
Ermor is ready to concede, well played.
Thank you Executor.

Very well played yourself.
Guys, here is a news update for all nations who may not have a large spy network over Ermor/Pythium frontlines, together with few comments and my analysis of the current situation in the game:
After critical victory against Ermor on the central front 1 turn ago turn, I've redeployed most of my non-injured SCs in the area to the southern front. It was the last front of Ermor/Pythium war where Ermor was still strong (they have defeated me there earlier and were besieging my castle, with a large group of SCs and strong army)
This turn there was a huge battle there, in which Ermor's army was pretty much annihilated. 12 Ermor SCs have been wiped out together with their army, with practically no losses on Pythium side.
Also 2 more Ermor SCs have fallen during the conquest of Ermor's underwater castle during this turn. All and all - I estimate that Ermor is down to less then 1/3 of SCs that they had 2 turns ago.
On my side I currently I have about 30-35 fully equipped SCs on 4 ermorian fronts alone, in addition to few hundred mages and large armies with gate cleavers to back these SCs and that are capable of tearing any castle's walls in 1 turn. (That not including numerous SCs on Jotuns and TC fronts, as well as those that have not been deployed yet.)
Combined with losses from earlier battles over the last turn, the situation indeed has become hopeless for Ermor, as Executor have explained.
With Ermor's military backbone broken, their remaining lands will be quickly absorbed into my own territory.
All and all - I have to say that I am positive that the fate of the game can not be changed at this point. The remaing nations still have strong armies and significant resources, but the final outcome of this struggle is no longer in question - the Pythium can't help but win this game at the end. The difference in the gem income and money income alone is too great.
Therefore by the imperial degree, the Pythium Empire would like to offer a honorable surrender to all remaining nations in the game:
You have fought bravely and well. You have survived to the endgame in a world full of mighty opponents, most of whom are no more. I think that it is time to end this bloodshed and start rebuilding the shattered land, under the benevolent guidance of the Pythium Empire.
What will you say, Lords of Song of Ice and Fire?