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Old February 21st, 2011, 07:37 PM

Azurain Azurain is offline
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Default Re: Making Capital Only units

Originally Posted by Edi View Post
Clearing national recruitment list is not necessary.

You need to modify a start site (or create a new one), subject to the 5 trait limitation mentioned above and use the #homecom command for commanders and #homemon command for regular cap-only units.

If you need to reset the recruitment list, #clearrec is the command you're looking for. It's just not needed here. Check the 3.26 modding manual and specifically site modding, as well as the recruitment lists section.
As far as I understand it, the #homemon and #homecom commands do not overwrite or in any way displace the national #addrecunit and #addreccom commands. Meaning that adding a site with #homemon for a unit that the nation already can recruit everywhere will just mean the unit appears twice in the recruitment list where that site is (the capital if it's a start site).

This is actually a side-effect which occurs in my assimilation mod, which makes use of the #mon and #com commands that work in largely the same way.

Since the original request was how to make all of a nation's existing units capital-only, it would be important to use the #clearrec command as well. Otherwise the units will still be recruitable in every fort and just recruitable 'twice' at the capital.

Of course, I could be misreading/misunderstanding the original request, or possibly wrong about how #homemon/#homecom work (though I just tested them before posting this).
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