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Old February 21st, 2011, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. In progress, midgame...

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious View Post
That's a shame, as I was finally turning things around on my front .

But with Ermor conceding, and given how long it takes to script an effective defense *everywhere all the time* (sigh), I'm inclined to accept. Let me take a bit of a longer look at this turn, though - with proper defenses in place, I can possibly beat your armies and just banish all your tarts to hell. It'll be tough, of course, as you won't be sitting still and waiting for me to do that; and even if it's possible, I may just not have time to do justice to the turns.
I understand your reasoning DrPraetorious. And I respect your fighting spirit. But what you are describing won't be possible I am afraid - I am well aware of the power of inferno/claws banishment (I've used it against Ermor myself with great success) and that you are going to rely on it to try to banish my SCs to inferno. But it just means I will have to use counter-measures against inferno banishments, and I would, believe me. Nevertheless I partly agree with you, your blood magic will certainly limit my SCs usefulness to some degree, and it will mean that I will have to rely less on my SCs (or rather be more careful with the way I deploy them), and more om my armies, mages, communions and unique artifacts. But it won't be able to stop me.

Let me share more of my current situation: I control large majority of best unique artifacts (pretty much everything except Scepter which I have no need for). I have the only remaining fully functioning (healing) tartarian factory (outside conceding Ermor). If we continue to play in 4-5 turns most of the Ermorian lands as well as probably most of TC would be under my control. You and BL won't be able to prevent it in time due to map's geography and locations of your armies. Finally once Ermor's globals fall I indent to try to fill these slots with my own globals, backed by a lot of gems. Considering the difference in gem income, I except I should be able to grab at least 4 globals slots. (Starting this turn BTW - I've been saving gems to cast powerful global for the last 4 turns, once I've noticed BL's repeated attempts to kill off the caster who has frozen the Sea ). I also have a forging factory that creates 50 items each turn with hammers and forging site bonus, to equip all my new SCs and mages.

Finally with Ermor's resistance greatly diminished, at least 15 fully equipped SCs from their fronts are immediately coming to your front during the next few turns, by the means or personal teleportations, as well as by Gate Stone and Boots of Planes. Plus I am creating and fully equipping 6-7 new SCs per turn, most of them would be heading to your front as well, since you are the most powerful of my remaining opponents.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not bragging, just sharing with you a honest account of my situation, so you and other players could make your decisions knowing all facts. I am also sure that if we would continue your armies would cause me significant losses before they would be dealt with. Nevertheless even your powerful blood magic will not be able to turn the tides of war in your favor at this point - the odds are simply stacked way too heavily against you and your allies. Trust me, I love a good fight (as long as it can affect the final outcome) and I wouldn't make my offer if I wouldn't be 100% certain that the fate of the game is sealed at this point.

Last edited by Corwin; February 21st, 2011 at 09:35 PM..
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