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Old February 21st, 2011, 11:05 PM

Colonial Colonial is offline
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Default So these mutes...

Alright folks,

So I have a guy, and he's gone mute (the one that halves all magic paths). he had 3 in death magic, so now his silent self has 2. I'd quite like him to have 3 in death magic again, so that he can get back on the soul vortex.

Now when I give him a booster, no effect. 3+1=4 4/2=2 so the booster doesn't work. fine. what I'm wondering is, if I give him a crystal shield, is that going to be the same deal? seems like in the heat of battle they might not bother with fancy math and just make it so he had D2 that battle. + PotS = 3. Does anyone know if this is true?

I could run a test, but debug mod has no way to mute people. so it would be quite a bother. much better if someone knows off the top of their head...


If it isn't true he's going into battle with crystal shield and artifact book of being totally evil, so quite important information...
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