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Old February 23rd, 2011, 09:17 AM
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Default Re: stronger independents

Originally Posted by Makinus View Post
Just to see if i understood everything correctly todo what i want:

1. I must create a mod where i create the "independent leaders" with autospawn (like the "Barbarian King" suggested) that is equal to the poptype leader except with autospawn.

2. Then i must use map commands to define the poptype of the province and to add the corresponding "independent leader" to said province.

So, in a 500 province random generated map i would need to assing poptype and leaders to the 500 provinces right?
If you want all 500 provinces to have defenders that autospawn troops, then yes. Note that if you did so, starvation would be a serious problem for the more remote provinces by the time you finally reached them, unless you also increase the supplies available by e.g. giving the commanders bags of wine.

Is there any list of poptypes somewhere?
Check the Dom3Db linked from Edi's .sig above. It's a spreadsheet with all kinds of useful Dom3 modding info, including a tab devoted to poptypes.
A nation mod I created:
Mistica: A Magocratic Police State
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