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Old February 25th, 2011, 07:20 AM

CthulhuDreams CthulhuDreams is offline
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Default Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)

Originally Posted by Korwin View Post
Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams View Post

I will just point out that, yes, I do have both - I also don't have 1/3? 1/2? of the map, and we've both been clamming (Iyae for longer than me) so it's entirely possible that Korwin is still more powerful.

Graphs off make it hard to judge.

Mostly because I have no that much turf, and whoever cast Armageddon wrecked my income still further.

Still, with 4 big powers left in the game (Marigon, Bandar Log, Arco and now myself) things are going to get spicy.
You did carve a lot of space out of my empire.
And as long as I'm preoccupied with the others, I really don't want to mess with your numerous SC's.

The others should know, that as long as they are at war with me, they are directly helping the hentai faction

On further thought, as long as nobody took me up on my offer.
I could imagine an alliance with Big R against the rest of the world.
How about an assurance to cast arcane Nexus? (from me)
You've already killed a few of them, don't talk yourself down so much
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