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Old February 28th, 2011, 09:08 AM

CthulhuDreams CthulhuDreams is offline
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Default Re: Newb friendly All Age game - A Nicer Shade of Green - (Recruiting)

Executor is right, fundamentally it boils down to do you think the game is 'better' if you remove gem gens, nerf blood hunting and remove dwarven hammers, at the cost of a ****ton of changes that may or may not be important.

Good advice overall.

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
My suggestion for newbs is to try vanilla games for your first MP games. It's best to learn the basics of the game in vanilla before jumping on the CBM train.

Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos View Post
I don't have a preference, because I don't know the difference.
As for differences, roughly, all CBM versions have some spell price tuning that differs from one version to another and the big changes are; no gem generators after CBM 1.41(clam of pearls, blood stones and fever fetishes), no forge hammers, jade knives and dousing rods after CBM 1.6, and a whole lot of item price changes, added item effects etc, after CBM 1.6.

That's why I suggest a vanilla game for first timers, recent CBM versions can be a big change if you've only played SP so far, and tho this *is a mostly CBM cult forum not all new games start with same CBM versions as two CBM cults now exist, the pre and post 1.7 CBM.
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