March 7th, 2011, 01:39 PM
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Re: SP AI boost mods/nations?
Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose
On another thread, I saw a lot of argument about whether it was better to set the AI to impossible, or to design a competent pretender for them. Im very new to modding, but I think I have an idea that might allow for a compromise.
What about making a Research 0 global enchantment that grants the advantages of impossible (+100% gold, resources, gems)? That shouldn't be hard, right? There are already spells that improve income and resources. I dont think you could multiply gems, but you could at least grant a steady income of all types. The skill could be 1 Earth, since Earth is a good pick for SCs, and that's all the AI knows how to use.
With this, you could desgin a decent pretender, and then cast the spell a few turns in before setting the AI to computer controlled. The obvious limitation to this is that only one player could cast it; no good if you want to face multiple AIs. But that could be fixed by creating multiple varients- EconBoost1,EconBoost2, etc.
Can anyone think of anything Im missing? And does anyone know how to do this?
You can't really make new Global Enchantments, but you could certainly have a research-0 Gift of Nature's Bounty, the resource one I can't remember the name of, and indeed Forge of the Ancients. GoNB would certainly produce a pretty crazy AI! It might be quite fun as a nemesis for a couple of human players.