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Old March 12th, 2011, 02:12 PM

CthulhuDreams CthulhuDreams is offline
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Default Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Now submitting pretenders

Originally Posted by GFSnl View Post
Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 View Post
Anyway, the important thing to remember is that its those darned fish people that we've all got to keep an eye on, what with their webbed feet and water breathing ways.
Now that is something we can agree on.
My sea ponies have detachable webbing, so we are only slimy some of the time, and of course, we are not slimy now.

More seriously, my ponies have sore .. tails.. and I'm not intrested in going on the offensive at the moment. Rest assured though that if my two neighbours get any big ideas about restricting my free ranging ponies, both your capitals offer bench front views!

The real reason those two are talking tough about me is that they are trying to distract attention from the fact they are the largest and second largest nations, and scouts assure me that Caelum has bypassed a number of indie proviences.. so he is going to get even BIGGER.

Don't let the worlds most basic disinfomation campagin distract you from the real issue - who is Caelum going to punch next, as his armies are clearly mustered for war.

So are marigon's too - what the hell is the go with his army graph. Though Caelum's flying bird men are a good counter for Marigon's hordes of dudes with crossbows.
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