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Old March 13th, 2011, 10:45 AM

Tecnócrata Tecnócrata is offline
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Default Nation - LA Serena: Merchant Princes

First version of a new LA nation, Serena. A mix of the Republic of Venice and the Vatican State.

The Republic of Serena was once a federated province of Marignon, but enjoying a great degree of self government, because it housed in its territory the head of the Marignon church. The Great Hierophant wanted to have more power over the kings, and a brief civil struggle followed. The Hierophant gained support from some very wealthy merchant families that used highly trained mercenary troops. Marignon ended appointing a new head of its church and so the Republic of Serena was founded. Serenians are governed by a senate where the merchant families decide its fate and roam the seas seeking for new trade routes in order to fill their already rich coffers. Now, the Great Hierophant calls for crusades against infidels, and the Merchant Princes see that as an opportunity to expand their influence.

Many sacred troops and powerful priests, including a H2 Exorcist that also is inquisitor and wields a Holy Symbol deadly to demons. Galley captains and merchant adventurers that can sail. Many troops are trained in mixed weapon tactics, able in archery and hand to hand combat. Uses Astral, Earth and Water.

Has two heroes: an Apostle with H4 and a Blind Doge inspired by the figure of Enrico Dandolo.

Venetica, the capital, brings water and earth gems, extra gold each turn, and recruiting assassins in their dens of iniquity. The other starting site, the Apostolic Palace, spawns astral pearls and allows recruiting of the Cardinal, an S2 H3 mage, and a heavy sacred infantry expert in mountain warfare.

Has no national summons, but two specific spells: Exorcism, an Evocation 0/Astral 1 that kills demons, and Excommunication, a Thaumaturgy 3/Astral 2 formula that works as Smite against sacred beings and also horror marks them.

Comes with sprites and includes the '4Pretenders' mod:
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Last edited by Tecnócrata; May 24th, 2011 at 07:45 AM.. Reason: more info
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