Originally Posted by llamabeast
Hey elmokki! I was just wondering - are you still maintaining this mod? I had another look at it and it is LOVELY, but also I found a few bugs. The most noticeable one was that the Viziers had fire and air magic, where they're described as having fire and water magic. Is this deliberate? I have a few other comments as well if you're still interested in updating it.
I haven't been playing Dominions 3 much in the last four months or so, and I can't really say I'm actively maintaning the mod. Anyone willing is free to pick it up for sure. Though I expect anyone who picks it up to keep the unit selection and stats in similiar enough so that it still is al-Nadim - new mods need new names
But yeah, I'll probably get interested enough to update the mod now that I started a MP game again anyway.