Originally Posted by JonBrave
My question there is: is that "ethical"? Is that what you are intended to do? Or, is saving/loading only for switching off, and you mustn't reload to try things?
Good question. And thank you for asking.
I think I can say that the devs do not mind if you do it to test things.
Im in the beta test group. During beta testing many things were brought up such as backups, restores, autosaves, autorestores, screensaves, movie grabs, alarms, timers, notepads, music library players, etc etc. In general it was their decision not to bog down the game with things that third party or user created programs could easily handle.
And in game saves there was a general feeling of not wanting to make it too easy. Some of the game was meant to be explored and experimented. So not a big interest in rolling back turns to try again.
But dont take it as the devs trying to say you shouldnt. They really arent like that. They didnt make an effort to make it impossible. They just seemed to feel that they didnt have to make it easier.
There is also the factor that its a Linux game that is ported to Windows and Mac. In linux the method of handling restores seems much more obvious than it does in windows.