To thejeff:
You cant just expect everytime your enemy follow your plan.
They have no elemental resistance, of course. But if you use them in a massive battle as heavy battle fortress, then give them partial resistance items like birch boots,fire brand or so denpending on what path your enemy massively possess, and max it with massive spell like warrior of nefielheim or even gaia's blessing, then such weakness exist no more. As for MR, standard equipment can give them 24 mr, then an antimagic can boost them to 28, not really dangerous if it is not the only largest unit in your army. Reinvig is not a problem too, since spell like relief can help.
If grendelkins are used as raiders to plunder your land, and more importantly, blocking and killing your raiders, you can not depend on elemental spells,since you can hardly kill a monster with 240HP and regeneration with a single mage's spell, even if it is 100 precision. Spells like blindness work better, but as i said before, a blinded grendelkin can still crush 40+pd, and a 20 marignon man-at-arms squad cannot harm a paralyzed grendelkin in another game.
I suppose massive teleport/cloud trapeze mages could surely kill a grendelkin without much casualty(if target have no winged shoes or you have storm staff, though mr negate spells can hardly counted on if you want kill it immediately....). If you dont want risk, then several arouse hunger wound be good chaff. But the problem is, this hunting party then became best target for your enemy's fire form afar or seeking arrow or any other long range firepower, and many would lost nonetheless.
Vine whip/AN attack trick works fine against most SCs, but for grendelkin, one or two miss of vine whip would be the death of your sc, thanks to the strength of grendelkin, and you really need long time to put down a monster with 240HP/20+regeneration(with a hydra skin armor for instance)
Forget leech which require blood slaves, even drain life spam(with quickened standard of the damned) need a long time to take it down, suppose it has been blocked by your chaff. But still, such hunting team are still vulnerable against seeking arrows or mind hunt even if you use scouts.
Life for a life are great SC killer, but you still need 4 mages to kill it in one turn, or 2 in two turns, double the number if it have pendant of luck. Perhaps vampire lords would be great in ambushing, but not everyone able to use such strategy before end game.
"Infernal prison" or "Claws of Kokytos" are of cause useful, except 3 major flaw: 1, not everyone can use it when needed. 2, you cant sure how long you can keep it in hell, twice have my grendelkin been send into hell, and they all coming out within 3 months alive and did not fall into water. 3, these two spell have a range of only 25, with mean if your grendelkin or whatever sc stay at the bottom line for 5 turns, the blood mage will surely waste blood slaves on summon imp or so. I tried very hard in one game to deal with an enemy sc, including put it in frontline and script attack one turn, Infernal prison, yet he still failed, maybe because the blood slaves are still on the way behind him-_-
As far as I tried, seems the best effort would be scatter my mages with hunting squad acoss my land and if a grendelkin happen to attack this province, his bad luck. the only problem is casualty of the hunting mages under enemy assassination spells.
to Executor: living fire or air are no match against grendelkin, ghost rider would be much better than it if grendelkin have no shield and no one buff it ethereal. Size 4 elementals cannot cause any real damage before been destroyed. Orb lightning are somewhat useless because if you have chaffs, then grendelkin wont come into spell range if he wait 5 turns, and if you dont.....fatigue from several hit wont stop it from killing your mage. Darkness....Did you notice that grendelkin have 75 darkvision?
To Jarkko:
What is SOP?
I have tested, if a sc with a shield like shield of gleaming gold, bows like black bow have no chance within 30 turns till battle ends. If he has no shield, he will normally be feeble minded within 5 turns, though. So the "bowman hunting team" still have the same problem: how do you catch him, and how do you kill it before it reach you.
Spell spam are always useful, but as I said before, it is useless in a large battle since your enemy can cast mass resistance spell, and its really hard to intercept a raiding grendelkin with dozens of mages along with chaffs.
In speak of horror mark, I'm afraid only doom horrors have the protential to beat it, which need really long time and many marks. Dont forget that you won't just face one grendelkin——in one game thanks to a enchantment bonus site, I'm able to summon two every three months.....
Basically, grendelkin feels like the doom horror maker of ruins: you need a long time to kill it, while it can kill you with one or two hit. Maybe mass up defence is the only reasonable way——or a mage bane........
So maybe Llamabeast could somewhat reduce some of its stats, like HP or protection or strength.....
Last edited by Sajuuk; March 15th, 2011 at 05:18 AM..