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Old March 16th, 2011, 10:57 PM

Sajuuk Sajuuk is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.83 released!

I didnt say 2 banes with axe of hate and quickness cannot kill the grendelkin, just....they can be killed in one hit, too, and you cant guarantee that your bane will perform the first blow. Perhaps give them jade armor and winged shoes. But if grendelkin have winged shoes too and is the defender, or if there's something blocking the way, They are still not safe. And the other problem is you cant expect everytime your bane can successfully intercept grendelkin since they can't teleport,two isolated bane are excellent target for mind hunt or ghost rider- two ghost riders can be the death sentence for anti-sc like them.

And....dont keep talking about orb lightning plz.....It is practically impossible to keep a sc within a range of 15 for long time....phantasmal warrior is good meat shield, but they will surely move forward to engage grendelkin, if they can block grendelkin from moving forward(which need a lot of A mages), then no such thing "within range" before your mages rout, and if they can not block, 1 or 2 orb lightning are far from enough to knock grendelkin unconscious within 2 or 3 turns. In optimized occasion, phantasmal soldiers just keep grendelkin SLOWLY moving forward, then when grendelkin finally reach in 15 range from bottom line, your poor mages are surely already unconscious first. same problem for militia who can only hold 2 turns or even archers who would move into its 30 range first. You can always use your A9 pretender to knock unconscious a grendelkin with one hit of orb lightning, though. But I would rather use 5 or more air mage cast lightning bolt, which have more chance to knockout grendelkin should one of the mages cast phantasmal army....Then the only problem is these mages will very likely become victim to seeking arrow or earth attack.

Yes if you send enough elementals to a grendelkin without regeneration, he's probably doomed. The problem is, why dont give grendelkin regenaration? They have 240HP, which means 10%regeneration will regenerate 24HP per turn, plus their high need to waste a misc slot for ring, a hydra skin armor is enough since higher protection armor provide little improve on its already high protection. Or if you have N bless, a shroud of the battle saint is a better choice.

Your next suggestion is....well, as I said before, arrow trick is useless if grendelkin have a shield. If it is dual wielding, as I said at the first place, a blinded grendelkin can still crush 40+pd of ashdod....While such trap can kill a normal sc, it can only rout a grendelkin, meanwhile isolated mages wandering outside castle and dome are really in great peril.

Like I said before, I never say grendelkin are unbeatable, just....too hard to beat compare to other sc, seems the easiest way is max its fatigue, yet how to made it before it kill you is still a problem. I try to teleport adon upon a grendelkin with dual axe of hate and winged shoes, but he died before even move: a S1 mage stand behind it(also buff it ethereal) win a magic duel.

And I don't think send a sc like grendelkin into a whole army is a good idea. Use them as heavy raider, backup with S mage, and you won't want to play guerrilla tactic with him...If further backed up with earth attack/seeking arrow/ghost riders, you won't want to set trap everywhere

Yes you can manage to kill a grendelkin, but combine with the failed trying, the price are very likely exceed that of grendelkin, or even twice. Thats why I suggest increase the price of grendelkin.
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