Originally Posted by endomorphious
Not sure if you want me to discuss my idea for Dominion effect theme here or not :}
Discuss anything. There is a little bit of effort required to set up the game and of course to play the game. The merits of different set-ups need to be discussed as it would be terrible to go to all the effort to get a game going only to find its either no challenge, too much challenge or is a chore.
Personally I wouldn't look to participate in a game as your describing because I don't need micromanagement hell right now, sure MA C'tis is ok but LA Ermor and R'lyeh..... Other than this I can't see any reason why you couldn't do a game like this.
I think three humans is the optimal number of players.
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
I really like the two game thing.
You could even create quality maps just for SP challenges and create a top score list based on, I guess, the quickest winning date.