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Old March 18th, 2011, 05:01 AM

Sajuuk Sajuuk is offline
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Default Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - v1.2 released

Thank you llama!
Roc's change are very interesting, I'd eager to see what it can do as thug/anti-sc thug. Perhaps reduce some of its siege&patrol bonus in exchange?

Zmey's price balance is great! Though zmey is a really good raider, it is still inferior to Iron angel with gears of 15 gems, not to mention grendelkin. E gems are precious, but can not be used to mass ember lord later anyway.

But why increase mechanical giant's cost? It's 12 base mr makes it easy prey to spell like disintegrate, opposition or control, I cant help but compare it with marble oracle....

Cyclops should be increased like this, after all, it's a E3 mage. Though I still think that make it E2F1?FE100% would be better.....

Grendelkin....well, we've talked quite a lot about it, I still think it shoul cost 45 as marble oracle in vanilla or 50 as that of a elemental royalty.

Asynjas and Kraken now have one or more 50% picks, isn't it a little luck dependent for a costy summon? Other changes are really good, hopefully ettin and Kraken will be much more common in the battle field
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