Thread: MBT's
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Old March 19th, 2011, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: MBT's

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH View Post
I'm good now here in the MBT world. First off I've avoided the blogs in general as opinions without the references presented in general are like ..., everyone has one, thus my allergy cold right now just isn't fun! There isn't much out there in the "main" so I did what I could. I offer the following based on my general background, an overview based on the refs and photos presented below.
1. I believe the M-2002 to be based on the T-62.
The lines just don't quite look right to me to be derived from the T-72 unless from an earlier version (How's that for CYA?)

2. It does have an IR sight I'm thinking similar to the M60A1 RISE/Passive, not sure that it's as good as the M60A3 TTS system though, which many thought was better than the first sites used on M1.

3. I'm going for 2 for 2 on the main gun (#1 was the 120mm L44 on the LEO 2A4M CAN.) it's a 115mm SB. That's my interpretation of the photos. It just has a "thinner" look to it. And note closely the photos of the T-62 in the first ref the imager mounted to the right of the main gun as well.

Those are my thoughts on the topic on the quick. And as always please take the time to read these first. As always the refs are presented so you can form your own thoughts on the matter.

A. On the T-62.

B. The M-2002.

See the MBT patch posts this thread or the patch posts themselves for more info on items 2 and 3 above.

Attachment 10903 Attachment 10904

Attachment 10905 Attachment 10906

Attachment 10907

Thank You for your time! Good Night!

Hi Pat. I do not know technical questions about armaments.
But it can be very interesting to learn.
You know a lot about this subject. You think that this tank has thermal sensors and laser sights?
I ask because designers have taken these features in the latest patch.
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