Thread: MBT's
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Old March 19th, 2011, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: MBT's

The changes were made on Marcello's recommendation and Marcello has done more work sorting the NK OOB out that anyone

There used to be two of those tanks, unit 25 and 26. There is NO change to the sights from the previous version , even the upgraded version, so IDK where you got the idea that had changed this release.. it was downgraded LAST release from what was there in previous releases but there has been no change to FC this release.

The TI version was deleted leaving unit 25 re-organized as an upgraded T-62. If you look at the post he made on the North Korean Errors report thread there is a very clear photo of the tank and there is no way it's based on the T-72 or T-90.

EVERY article on that tank is based solely on conjecture. This is our version and we've been *VERY* generous giving it a 125mm gun. I think Pat's correct and it's still using the 115mm gun. There is no reason to believe the North Koreans are anything more than what they appear to be. They are not hiding high tech up their sleeves

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