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Old March 20th, 2011, 11:58 AM

Colonial Colonial is offline
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Default Sub needed: Late Game as MA Marignon

Hello everyone,

We are looking for someone to sub Mar Marignon in our game Rock the Cradle. We are well into the late game, down to 5 players, most of us have wish fountains/tart spamming/completed research.

Marignan is one of the best placed players in terms of territorial integrety, controlling the whole southern continant on the 'cradle of dominions' map. In terms of magic, the original player apparently left things a bit lax, but the first sub for the position, who has managed it for the past 2-3 years seems to have whipped the nation into shape. mari is also suffering somewhat from the nations lategame astral/no water (we are playing vanilla).

In terms of the politics, this is somewhat in flux at the moment, so a sub would have a great deal of leeway to choose a course of action. Also no graphs means our rankings and that are a bit more mysterious. Still, without data, it appears that while Mari is not in the top 2, the three smaller players seem strong enouth two keep either of the top 2 from winning, and if we can pull those two down, mari is not in a bad position to take the lead.

PM me, PM 13ackgu4rd, post on our 'rock the cradle' thread, or post here if you are interested on taking this on. It was a noobie game to begin with, so inexperienced players prefered.

Last edited by Colonial; March 30th, 2011 at 05:07 PM..
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