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Old March 22nd, 2011, 04:39 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Sub needed for last stand situation - Sub found

The Momentum3 game needs a sub for either TNN or C'tis. This game uses a modified version of CBM 1.6. See the game thread for more details but the key points are that tarts arrive as affliction free, sane, commanders (no Chalice/GoH/GoR needed) and elemental royalty are not unique.

Ok, so the situation is that Marverni and Ulm are allied and one of them will almost certainly win the game. There are two other nations left and the question is how much damage can they do before they die?

TNN - Once TNN was a world power. Now it has 3 provinces/forts, once of which has has just had its walls breached. This is pretty much a last stand situation. But, you've got something to work with! You have SCs, mages (including indie Adepts of the Silver Order), thugs (E9N6 bless), and one global (Maelstrom) left of the three you once had. You can't win, but you can do some damage before you go.

C'tis - Was involved in a lengthy war with Agartha that did set them back. However, they have had time to recover and gained nicely from a dogpile of Ermor (minimal loss for some nice gains). This nation is in quite good shape (including having Well of Misery up) - the problem is that defeating both Ulm and Marverni seems like a long shot. You are scheduled to go to war with those two nations in a couple of turns but the players are flexible so if you need more time to prepare that shouldn't be a problem (though it would probably be good to go to war while TNN can still provide some kind of distraction for them).

Note: I was playing TNN and we needed a sub for C'tis. Ulm and Marverni liked the idea of me taking over both positions rather than just set one AI. Unfortunately we got a CD key violation when I tried to submit both turns so that won't work. I mention it just so you know that I've seen both turns. Though I can't imagine this would be an issue, unless you plan on taking one position and attacking the other - which doesn't make any sense at this stage.

Last edited by Valerius; March 24th, 2011 at 07:41 PM..
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