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Old March 22nd, 2011, 05:01 PM

kennoseishin kennoseishin is offline
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Default Re: n00bs of DOOOOOOOOOM!!!! - Five Nations Surviving

36 hours would be good for me too.

And I'm glad that battle had an observer, GFSnl. Sadly, my troops were too busy fighting to see your test flight, but it's probably for the best. My rank and file are a *tad* xenophobic and would have likely taken pot shots at you. So I'd recommend avoiding cities for now. I'm sure they'll be more friendly to neighbors once this conflict is over with.

On a positive note, my prototype Green Lions were a huge success! Their fiery acid breath both cooks and tenderizes, for a perfect horse steak every time! Lu-xing, their developer and technician, will be duly rewarded with the title "Iron Chef".

P.S. Aquatic war trolls? Now I've seen everything!

Edit: Apparently some of my troops did in fact take potshots at an overhead scout after the battle was over. I apologize for their overzealousness, and I hope this does not create any tension between both our fine nations.

Last edited by kennoseishin; March 22nd, 2011 at 05:14 PM..
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