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Old March 29th, 2011, 02:52 PM

Treant Hugger Treant Hugger is offline
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Default LA Oceania - seas of blood

I was hoping to do some modding, and never really satisfied with how Oceania simply disappears in the LA. So I decided to stretch MA Oceania into a new LA nation. I'm interested in your balance opinions, since testing against the AI is fairly pointless.

The general concept is that pushed to the edges of the oceans by R'lyeh, the Capricorns turn to blood magic and welcome demons into their nation.

Oceanian Triton - 10g 2r - vanilla
Merman - 10g 3r - vanilla
Wave Warrior - 13g 19r - vanilla
Demonic Triton - 20g 31r - A size three unit to guard against tramplers. Wears a bronze cuirass, so fairly well protected. I'm considering giving them resize 2 to cut down on rcost. Aquatic only.
Bronze Sentinel - 15g 30r - Heavy infantry with castle def bonus.
Pearl Guardian - 65g 47r - Sacred heavy cavalry. Ichtycentuars, so they have recuperation. Lance + magic sword. Also a patrol bonus. These guys are pretty awesome, but you'll probably only ever be able to recruit 2/turn from most forts.
Pearl Gatherer - 20g 10r - Cap only. Wields two magic weapons, one does double to magic beings. High MR
Ichtydevil - 55g 29r - Cap only. Amphibious, size 3. Bronze cuirass and trident. Gain a tail attack when they leave the water. Summonable with national Blood 2 spell.
Sea Fiend - 65g 13r - Cap only. Four armed aquatic size 3 demon. More combat effective and easier to mass than the Ichtydevils, but can't leave the water. Summonable with a Blood 2 national spell. Also shows up as a multihero with F1 & 100% B/W.

Merman Scout - 25g 3r - vanilla
Wave Lord - 45g 19r - vanilla
Demonic General - 45g 31r - 10 regular leadership, but 80 undead leadership. Aquatic only.
Pearl Lord - 65g 47r - Only 80 leadership, but is cavalry. Possible thug, I suppose. Sacred. Amphibious.
Merman Priest - 65g 1r - vanilla H1
Bishop Fish - 120g 1r - vanilla H3
Mermage - 175g 1r - vanilla W2N1 100%AWEN
Capricorn - 350g 5r - Vanilla (i.e. same as MA). W2N3 110%AWEN
Black Capricorn - 300g 1r - Cap only. The blood hunters and only guys who can cast the national blood spells. they only ave poorleader but ok undead leadership. B2 W1 200% WEN. They lose a point in every path except blood when they leave the water.

Devilfish - Aquatic demon, animal. Get 5 for 10 slaves. Research level 1. B2W1. Size 2, just a bite attack, but has 15 strength & 22 hp.
Ichtydevil - Same as above, get 3 for 15 slaves. Level 2 spell, B2W1. Can only be summoned underwater. Good way to get around gold cost, though will still have to pay upkeep.
Sea Fiend - Get 3 for 15 slaves. Level 2 spell, B2W1.
Great Devilfish - Size 3, autocasts twist fate at start of battles, fights with poisoned bite and paralyzing tail. Get 1 for 2 slaves. The trade-off is spending caster-turns to slowly gather better units versus getting 5 at a time with the lesser fish. Level 3 spell.
Infernal Culler - Amphibious flying assassin. Solid thug, but no leadership or casting. Full equipment slots. 30 slaves for one, research level 5. Will need to boost a caster to B3.
Blood Vortex - Amphibious flying thug. Ethereal, size 4, comes with B1 and regenerates/heals when in watershape. Used to be too powerful, but I've not used it since I nerfed it. Available to all nations, but can only be summoned underwater. Need B4 W3, so boosting will be necessary.

I also included a unique pretender in the Dread Vortex. It's a size 6 immortal SC, but has weakened casting by giving it a -2 pathboost in its two starting paths. Also only starts with 1 dominion. Aquatic only and three misc slots. I've made it mindless to protect against R'lyeh's madness dominion.
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