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Old March 30th, 2011, 01:53 PM

PriestyMan PriestyMan is offline
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Default Re: LA Oceania - seas of blood

Originally Posted by Sasooli View Post
Personally I don't see any big thematic problem with UW blood sacrifice. It's thematically different from what the designers originally intended, but that's not necessarily bad.

I object more to casting blood spells underwater than bloodhunting underwater.

You may notice none of the current blood spells are useable underwater, and bloodslaves become gems instead of units when in an underwater battle and can't be accessed for casting.
I dont get why this doesnt work. Just imagine if you will, a blood mage, floating in the deep ocean, over an altar. He sacrifices the mermaid, and is suddenly literally swimming in blood, the magical energy of the blood is surrounding him. i feel like that's almost *more* effective cause he is swimming in blood, not just standing over it.
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