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Old March 31st, 2011, 11:46 AM

Colonial Colonial is offline
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Default Re: ANDalusian Sun. Anonymous LA game for (rather) experienced players (Recruiting)

Hello guys.

I'm a noob, but have had the idea kicking around the back of my head for a while to write up a LP of a veterins game with a target audience of the more committed set of new players who might want to become veterins one day (as it stands, the only LPs available are of newbie games aimed at people thinking of buying the game). This game looks like a nice opportunity to go for it. the plan would be to compile information while the game is im progress, and only begin to publish the LP after the game has finished.

To do this I would need 1-3 of you lot to volunteer to my new-player analysis (I would write up the one who survives longest), and then send me an email every turn including: both parts of the turn file (for before and after) and a quick summery of what messages you sent. I would also need you're pretender file at the beginning of the game.

you'd get your name in lights for no effort on your part, and we as a community would get a good resource for noobs to make their game more rigorous.

If other players are ok with this, my email address is in the database.
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