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Old March 31st, 2011, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: ANDalusian Sun. Anonymous LA game for (rather) experienced players (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by NooBliss View Post
Well... Having looked at the holy war mod again, I like it even less than before. If it's not too late to sign out, I'd like to do so.

If that will cause you guys to waste time looking for another player, I can stay tho.
Since we haven't started yet, I see no reason to stop you. Little point joining a game when you prefer other settings. Confirm your decision fast though, since it will affect Calahans Capital-fixing work.

Originally Posted by Calahan View Post
I can't say I'm too fond [...]the changes CBM 1.8+ has made (to 1.6). But I promised myself I'd try one game with CBM 1.8+ to see if I liked it[...]
Pretty much the same for me, though less empathically than in your case I think. Let's see what 1.8 brings.

Originally Posted by Calahan
Although if there is a 11th hour vote to remove Holy Wars, then I would raise my hand in favour. (although that's probably unlikely now that the nations are decided)
Yeah, probably a bad idea after nation picks. I don't really have an oppinion about the mod yet, allthough the fact that it (supposedly) pays off to site-search holy now alone gives it a plus in my books.

Originally Posted by Calahan
@ Dimaz/Sasooli - Can on of you please post the final list of nations, as I need to know what nations are in the game to arrange the map. Although just saying "No Marignon, R'yleh or Atlantis" or "Just R'yleh" will also be good enough if you don't want to give out the full list for whatever reason.
I had originally asked Sasooli to only PM players their own nation and a full list to Dimaz thinking it would allow till game start for late signups. Capital fixing obviously changes that and I intended to ask Sasooli to just post/let you know a full nation list so you could get to work on the map, but I seem to not have gotting around to it somehow.

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
how much time do we have to test builds?
I'd say we start saturday at the earliest, allthough with Calahan having to wait for nation confirmation to fix the map, having to wait for the map to start the game, and then waiting for all pretenders to be sent in it might run a bit later.
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