Jomon player asked me to post the following information about the problem he has with the mod (I rephrased/removed some portions of his message to protect anonymity - even writing style can reveal the author):
Checking out Jomon, Broken Swords to test my pretender build I noticed that I had a Woodsmen Blowpipe recruitable in addition to the units I should have. <...>
I spotted these lines at the list of recruitables in 1.4 that wasn't there in 1.2:
--addrecunit 2285 -- Jikininki
--addrecunit 2287 -- Akurojin
#addrecunit "woodsman blowpipe"
Jikininki, Akurojin are new summons in 1.4. I don't know if they're supposed to be in that part of the dm file or not. They certainy don't show up as recruitable in the game itself.