Re: LA Oceania - seas of blood
Note: I'm running this with CBM 1.83. If this is causing problems then you should look into mod compatibility with CBM at a minimum.
Ok, some balance feedback:
Capital Sites:
50gpt isn't a good idea. I don't care if its based on the pearl sites elsewhere, it just isn't a good idea. Too abuseable with order + other cash related scales.
Similarly, 4s isn't a good idea when there are no astral mages in the nation. Similar problems already plague LA Man. Getting gem income your national mages cannot use is bad balance.
Demonic General: W1D1 for 45g? Woh. Ignore everything else, that's too much magic for its price.
Pearl Lord: E2 sacred thug commander for 65g? OMGWTFBBQ. No, seriously, its an even better researcher than the demonic general (less upkeep for being sacred) *and* its a thug. For a bargain basement price of 65g? Woh.
--Also, turns into a golden Naga on land. This can't be right. .dm has #landshape 2812. Should probably be 2612.
Starting army is too powerful. Took on a greater number of amber-clan tritons by itself and won. (No additional recruits at all).
zOMG Pearl Guardians. Ok, the encumbrance is obscene, but an E9N4 bless on these guys just eats stuff. I've been expanding with 5 of them + priest - meaning you can pump out an expansion party *every turn*. And you'll have 2 expansion parties on turn 2 (initial army + recruit 5-6 and a leader to send with your scout prophet).
So, you take P3, because you do. And O3.
I'm running a W4E9N4 imprisoned Wave Lord (i think - the W1E1 base one) with Dom 6, O3P3C3Mf2. I've got 5 castles in the middle of year 2 (~turn 18) with labs and temples. I'm just pumping out pearl lords as researchers at the moment while continuing to make Pearl Guardians asap to invade the land.
Now, obviously the AI can't deal, but its clear the early game is too good.
I can't even be bothered to do anything with blood magic. The mages are too expensive for too little payout, and they're capital only so its a pain to actually do any bloodhunting.
I also can't be bothered to really look at most of the units because Pearl Guardians are just so good. There's no reason to use anything else. And the aquatic only units are inherently useless, because they're aquatic only.
Last edited by Squirrelloid; March 31st, 2011 at 03:14 PM..