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Old March 31st, 2011, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: ANDalusian Sun. Anonymous LA game for (rather) experienced players (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Dimaz View Post
Jomon player asked me to post the following information about the problem he has with the mod (I rephrased/removed some portions of his message to protect anonymity - even writing style can reveal the author):

Checking out Jomon, Broken Swords to test my pretender build I noticed that I had a Woodsmen Blowpipe recruitable in addition to the units I should have. <...>
I spotted these lines at the list of recruitables in 1.4 that wasn't there in 1.2:

--addrecunit 2285 -- Jikininki
--addrecunit 2287 -- Akurojin
#addrecunit "woodsman blowpipe"
Jikininki, Akurojin are new summons in 1.4. I don't know if they're supposed to be in that part of the dm file or not. They certainy don't show up as recruitable in the game itself.
I have now checked both mod nations, and while I didn't see anything wrong with Ulm Reborn, I did notice Jomon's Cur Scout has 40 leadership, which I'm pretty certain he's not supposed to have.
Originally Posted by Colonial View Post
I'm also not sure that this is the first choice of game to comment on, as it takes away the entire diplomacy and trade aspect of the game. (It also means no one would have to summarize messages, since there would be none. )
As I mentioned, I wouldn't publish anything until after you all had finished. as for no deplomacy: seems to be quite a common choice in vets games, and the no messages would be vary handy...

so yeah, if anyone is up for it, drop me a PM
Yeah, but appart from publishing the thing you might also comment on something you saw in a certain battle of ask questions about it in some other thread that might give someone's identity away. You'd have to be very careful about everything you say.

Having said that, if you're certain you can protect anonimity I have no objections. Does anyone else? (If anyone does that's fine with me, I think we all have to be on the same page for this one.) IF we do this I think it best that no one says in public he's participating, instead just PM'ing you about it, as an extra layer of 'protection.'
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