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Old April 10th, 2011, 09:27 PM

Finalgenesis Finalgenesis is offline
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Default Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope

That is a trademark of Caelum, it's amazing troop synergy displayed in its PD.

After Aeons of existence, Caelum have struck upon the magnum opus of battle tactics adopted by all of its PD: A mix of warriors and archers (sounds good so far right?), the warriors then fly in right before the archers shoot them in the back, then they all fly away due to massive causalties, ingenious! The archers also have contest on who can headshot the PD commander (who charged along with the warriors) before the enemy cut him down, and it's a close call every time and sometimes a lucky shot from an archer can take out the commander right in the beginning, routing the whole force even earlier then usual! While I can't quite recall, I believe the PD uses the un-shielded version of its warrior to enhance the effectiveness of it's amazing tactic, it synergize so well that you can't possibly come up with something this effective even if you tried.

The only thing missing is a national description to detail this omitted facet of Caelum attitude: The nation's macabre outlook and psychotic humor, in fact all of its PD double up as a circus troope with constant turnover due to occupational deaths.

Last edited by Finalgenesis; April 10th, 2011 at 09:35 PM..
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