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.com.unity Forums - View Single Post - Map Central China v0.31 (beta)
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Old April 13th, 2011, 01:34 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Central China v0.31 (beta)

Current Version: 0.31 beta

115 provinces, no water, suitable for 8-10 players. Many mountainous regions with narrow passes.

Map includes 2 versions of the tga: A minimal version (no province borders) and a standard version. Thick blue borders are meant to be impassable for the standard version. If you wish to use the minimal version, rename the standard version to something else (such as CentralChinaStandard.tga) and then rename CentralChinaMinimal.tga to CentralChina.tga. (Alternately, just alter the .map file to reference the one you want, either way should work)

A 'deluxe' version is in the works which will have icons representing terrain type, multisite (if present), Ports (with routes), and ultimately starting locations - all on the map itself for easy reference.

Ultimately will have set starting locations, but at present every province with at least 4 neighbors is a potential starting location (all others are set to no start).

Map is based on a googlemaps capture above south central china. Seems to be approximately equidistant between Changsha, Chongqing, and Guiyang, and not quite as 'central china' as i remember it. Its ballpark 375 miles NW of Hongkong.

(Forum converted my .png preview to jpeg, and it got blurry as a result. I'll fix that when i can figure out why its screwing with my file format).
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Name:	CentralChina.jpg
Views:	555
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ID:	11056  
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