Originally Posted by Tecnócrata
Indeed... 2 Astral cost would be fair, then. Changing.
I'm with TheJeff, 2s is too low. 3-4 sounds reasonable.
I don't know if you plan on CBM or not, but D and N are less valuable in the most recent CBM so i might argue for the 3s cost. (Now that Tarts can't be GoRed...). I wouldn't find 4s offensive though. Might be thematic to make it impossible to cast on UW provinces.
Meanwhile, adding also a whole battlefield version of Arcane Bolt, that makes 8+ AN against all magic beings (including your own). 3 Astral as cost would be fair?
That sounds horribly broken.
Bloodletting. B4, 4 slaves, 1 AN damage to all non-lifeless. Probably the most comparable to what you want to achieve, and its harder to cast and has a smaller effect.
Unravelling. S6, 1 pearl, magic beings resist or die (needs to pass magic resistance), but also attacks all mages with the possibility of inflicting feeblemind (!!!), which is a pretty serious disadvantage since you obviously have at least the one mage. Less comparable but pretty hard to cast since S6 mages don't grow on trees.