Re: Vanilla_Strawberry -> Started
An elegantly embossed envelope arrives at your respective courts by courier.
It has come to my attention that in the past months you have been contacted by the tyrant Vidrir.
Know that in response to the pleas of his downtrodden people the forces of the celestial empire have, out of compassion, been forced to act.
It is with pride that we can inform you that the tyrant has been banished and his subjects liberated.
All that remains is to enter his temple and destroy the altar that binds his essence to this world. Unfortunately the last remaining temple curator, out of misplaced loyalty, has barricaded all entrances to the temple.
We expect this will only be a temporary inconvenience, and should be able to put this matter to rest soon.
Know that the Celestial Empire has no desire for acrimonious relations with any of it's neighbours now or in the future. However we will not stand by idle when we become aware of the oppression of our fellows.
Alabe Craft,
Head Scribe to Magic8Ball, He who holds the fate of all