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Old April 20th, 2011, 07:53 AM

ghoul31 ghoul31 is offline
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Default Re: MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Running

Originally Posted by PriestyMan View Post
Originally Posted by ghoul31 View Post
Originally Posted by PriestyMan View Post
, ghoul needs to learn to not rush someone in every single game. its so tragically predictable.
I don't rush people in every game. I hardly ever rush someone. Your talking nonsense, as usual
The classic "pulling a ghoul" move is the awesome strategy i saw in that video. box select all your H3's and tell them to smite, then stop researching and try and dump on a neighbor. it works so well i hear.

Since you called me a liar, i will put a tiny bit of effort into proving my claim.

First of all, we have Cripple Fight 3. pretty sure that was research Evo 5 then never research again? anyways, definite rush there.

Second, take a look at Tophats. you sent every mage you had at Nehekara early and it failed sadly, but it was certainly classic.

Thirdly, and currently, Petty Kingdoms which squirrelloid says isn't going so well.

want more examples? how about Lateral? either me or my brother were in almost all of these, so i have turn files to prove them.

The other classic Ghoul move is the whining about someone winning the game, which i fully expect here. (and trust me, i have examples of that too)

Dont call me a liar. i can back up my claims
I'm beating squirreloid in Petty kingdoms, so I proved you are a liar. And in games like cripple fight & tophats, I was being attacked, so I had no choice to use my mages to fight. So again I prove you to be a liar.
I don't why you call yourself Preistly Man, you are just the opposite of a priest.You should call youself devilman, or aholeman.
Whatever, you are on ignore also

Last edited by ghoul31; April 20th, 2011 at 08:03 AM..
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