Thread: Enemy Dominion
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Old April 21st, 2011, 09:51 AM
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Default Re: Enemy Dominion

Negative scales work no mater the owner of the scales. But of positive enemy scales, only growth works. And then only the pop growth, not the money. Unclear weather you get extra supplies.

There is a trick you can use though if you have priests. Enemy scales will count as your scales if you have your dominion in the province. So if your dominion takes over a province with great scales from enemy dominion and you normally have bad scales, then those great scales will last for a while and you will benefit from them until your real scales manifest. If you are bored you can trigger this effect by preaching in contested provinces. Allow the enemy dominion to improve the scales and when the are maxed you preach until its your dominion again. The good scales last for a while and you can thus benefit from them. If you have neutral scales the bonus scales gained this way will decay much slower.
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