April 22nd, 2011, 11:14 AM
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Re: Enemy Dominion
Originally Posted by PyroStock
Originally Posted by bbz
did you have 1 white candle of your dominion in that province or was it only black candles in it? I myself often get misfortune 2 and as one of my neighbours in a recent game had luck 3 I got 2 times 1500 gold event in 4 turns or so. But I think that is because of neutral luck.
2 black candles and the turn before was 3 black candles.
Luck is a bit odd in that like growth you get a partial benefit from enemy dominion. The chance of good vs bad events is reversed (enemy luck dominion increases your chances of bad events) but the events that are unlocked correspond to the actual scales. So, luck-3 scales unlock some nice events. The thing to keep in mind though is other scales can unlock some pretty nasty events and strong enemy luck will make them much more likely to occur. Enemy luck-3/death-3 for instance will give you a lot of high pop killing events while they don't get that many. Luck/drain will give you that horrible "magic is fading" gem loss event. Luck/turmoil will give you a lot of indie attacks and compound things by giving you even more events. There's probably some bad stuff unlocked by sloth scales but I don't remember off the top of my head.
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