Thread: davanas
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Old April 25th, 2011, 04:38 AM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: davanas

Originally Posted by Baalz View Post
It's usually a sucker's bet to try and kill regenerating giants in traditional ways (ie whacking on their hit points). You're usually better off attacking their fatigue. Skellispam with grip of winter/rigormortis or vinecritters/sleep cloud/sprites or stellar cascades/ghost grip or ice pebble staffs/dispossessed spirits or some more creative stuff. Davanas are good troops, but (fortunately) they're not a silver bullet. Being size 6 they don't chew through chaff all that fast - particularly if they're trying to storm a castle gate.
You are right in general, of course, since most magical attacks outside blood magic deal low damage compared to a giant's hitpoint pool, but with a Bell of Cleansing in that version of CBM doing 20 damage to a single target (well AOE1, but that meant single target for Davanas) and 40 with Demon Cleansing active, it makes a very viable alternative due to the E4 component of my blessing and deploying relief on a regular basis, so long as you have tough enough or many enough troops to hold back the tide.

In general, my opponents in that game just didn't (EA Ulm, Formoria, C'tis), though it is fair to say that at least the C'tis player, who was last opponent standing, should have been able to do so with his host of Sauromancers.

Needless to say, fortress assaults were a nightmare and something generally not attempted without very significant magical backup.
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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