Thank you all for a most entertaining game. I really liked the rules. Especially the random nations/hard research combo. Both forced me to consider new tactics I would not otherwise have considered.
I personally think that Mictlan is the strongest nation in the Late Age and I was half certain that they would win the game when they attacked both Midgård and Pan at he same time. The reason I believe this is because the one other time that I have won a major Dominions game I was playing Mictlan. And once I had my blood economy up running I was mostly untouchable. The fact that Danakh chose to sideline blood for a rush was the thing that did him in. It would have worked against Midgård, but the fact is that my best Tartarian champions and my Grue, all could fight an arbitrary number of jaguar warriors and win. If Mictlan would have had access to spells like "Life for a Life" or "Claws of Coctytus", things would have been much harder for me.
The hardest war for me was probably the one against Caelum. In fact, this war was almost the opposite of the one against Mictlan. Against Mictlan I fought a bigger empire by using troops and methods he was weak against. Against Caelum I fought a smaller nation who used troops and tactics that *I* was weak against. Agartha simply aren't built to fight against Caelum and the only reason I won, was that when the war started, I had twice the amount of provinces and forts that he had. In fact, if Caelum had only attacked me about 3 turns earlier, before I had time to fully neutralize and digest Man, Caelum would probably have won.
And Galou. I apologize. I could not find a way to lose gracefully as we agreed I would.