Re: Nation - LA Serena: Merchant Princes
Balance Comments:
Constable: Overpriced. Compare LA Man: Judge. Recommend giving a much higher patrol bonus - like 20 - and probably still reducing the price.
Condotta Captain: Extremely overpriced. Maybe a 50g chassis. Also, if you're going to give it a standard, make it at least 10 if not more. Standard 5 is insulting.
Artist Engineer: Price is laughable. Its much worse than an MA Ulm Master Smith at basically twice the price. Reasonable price ~100-120g.
Apostolic Delegate: Should be 40g tops.
Scholarly Theologian: 80-90g tops. Maybe less. Probably 80 though.
Mastermind Theologian: 160g tops. Probably more like 120.
Exorcist: Just bad. Ballpark 100g, but i'd just seriously rethink this unit.
Merchant Adventurer: Ew. Call it 60g.
Assassin: don't see any reason it should be cap only.
Cardinal: Should be 200g, maybe. If only you had playable sacreds.
Marine: 9g chassis at best, maybe 8. Probably still won't see play.
Marine w/ shortbow: Same as above (8-9g). How'd you manage to give him a shortbow without additional resource cost? Remember, gear costs resources, not gold.
City guard: 10g tops. Give them 10 attack too, these are trained soldiers.
Serenian Cavalry: ballpark 15g. You can get indies that are *at least* the equal in stats for 18g, and nationals should be better than indies if only by being cheaper.
Condotta Infantry: Give them a crossbow instead of a shortbow. Seriously. Also, give them a helm - the graphic has one. Maybe a 16-18g chassis at best, could likely justify 14-15g. Compare LA Man: Defender.
Condotta Infantry: Bwahaha 42g? Go with 18g at best. Needs a helm and a shield if its meant to be heavy infantry.
Crusader: Its got like 12g worth of stats. Even at x2 for sacred, its at best a 24g chassis. But its pretty bad. Price it at 15g, probably, its chaff. Heck, that might be too much - flagellants are better! Needs a helm and a real shield - buckler? come on. Its got a kite shield in the image.
Warrior Monk: Try 30g, see if anyone plays with them. I'm guessing the encumbrance is too high for them to be useful.
Heirophant Guard: Halve the price, they might almost be playable. Costing them like elite sacred cavalry means no one will ever use them.
Bad magic, even for LA. Bad troops especially for LA - they feel like EA troops with the light armor most of them are wearing. Everything is substantially overpriced, often double or more a realistic assessment.
Gold cost should represent the chassis sans equipment. For human troops this is a pretty standard 10g for a pretty average chassis, slide up or down slightly for balance purposes. (Ie, if the gear is really shoddy, its probably worth dropping it a gold or two).