Re: LA Oceania - seas of blood
New Version:
The good:
*Diverse nationally useful gem income, yay!
*recruit anywhere blood hunter, yay!
*cap-site resource boost - UW nations frequently get screwed on resources, so this is a good idea.
*Gold increase on pearl guardians
The not so good
*enc increase on pearl guardians
*still retains vestiges of unfallen past: mermages, bishop fish, capricorns
*Demonic tritons in starting army probably too strong, at least in those numbers
*CBM mod conflict: weapons on pearl gatherer, pearl guardian
*Black Capricorn, acolyte of the shoals overcosted
The weird:
*pearl guardian has a hoof attack in sea form? Seems kind of weird.
*Black Capricorn needs more magic or to come down in price. A 25% random is insufficient.
*Acolyte of the shoals is an 80g commander at the highest.
*Pearl Guardians encumbrance is really out of line, especially with current CBM. I'd suggest you give them base enc. 5 but make them #mounted (note that you'll want to decrease defense to compensate for the +3 for mounted), which will make them more in line with other sacred cavalry. Alternately, decrease the enc. on the armor they're wearing and go back to base enc. 3.
*Having Black Capricorns cap only but regular capricorns recruit everywhere really takes away from the uniqueness of the nation. Similarly, mermages being unchanged from MA and the continuance of bishop fish add up to a nation that doesn't actually seem that impacted relative to MA, all fluff to the contrary. I'd suggest the following:
**Make your mermages be W2B1 and their random include blood.
**Make black capricorn recruit anywhere and capricorns cap only, if not eliminated entirely.
**Do something to bishop fish. Eliminate, corrupt, or something.