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Old May 4th, 2011, 06:44 AM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: Random questions

Regarding dominion strength, temples with a dom of 1 are mostly worthless. You can more or less compensate low dominion if you pick 5, but not really below. A dominion of 5 + 25 temples will still fail to spread dom half the time, so it's about as efficient as dom 10 + 13 temples. (VERY gross figures - just to give an idea)

As for blood slaves, you want to hunt in provinces with enough population, but that causes unrest so you want to lower taxes and/or patrol. But patrolling kills population too. So the usual strategy is to put some blood hunters in provinces with about 5k+ pop that don't bring much money, and lower taxes and/or patrol.
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