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Old May 4th, 2011, 08:14 AM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Random questions

Originally Posted by Kobal2 View Post
Originally Posted by Doo View Post
Although LA Marigon is a bit funny, they are supposed to be about smiting evil yet I'm sure they get Blood access.... A case of the preacher standing at the pulpit preaching against sin and conjuring demons in their own time?
I imagine it more as a "lesser evil" sort of thing, coupled with "fight fire with fire".
"The other guys are summoning devils and it's the worst sin imaginable ! Buuut they're kind of kicking our butts with them so um... look, we'll do it too just this once, all right ? Just to prevent these evil demonmongers from taking over the world and turning it all heretical and stuff. We'll stop once they're all dead. We can stop any time we want. What's the worst that could happen ?"

In Dominions history it's all a reaction to the fall of Ermor. In the Late Age, Marignon turned in desperation to demon-worship to hold off the swarms of undead from Ermor.
More of the "lesser evil", less of the "fight fire with fire". I picture devils (or devil-worshippers) whispering in Marignon's ear "we can help you. We just need a few virgins so we can come through. And they would just die anyway when the Ashen Empire destroys you. We can save you."

In Dominions mythology, death magic is the big evil threat. Blood magic not so much.
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