Originally Posted by Samhain
And, not only does blood hunting cause unrest, but that unrest will make the blood hunting much less successful.
That's, by the way, another reason to use bloodhunting deeper into your territories: provinces recently taken and/or with enemy Dominion usually have higher unrest - so hunting is less effective.
As for Blood magic in general: yes, Ermor threat was greater, even though MA Marignon also considered demon-worshippers an enemy.
Also, Blood magic
per se does not mean your god is evil. It may be practiced by secular mages of the nation regardless of it's god having any particular opinion on the subject (Bogarus). God's evilness may be measured more by the fact of whether he/she accepts blood sacrifices. The most evil in this respect would be, of course, EA/LA Mictlan. As an interesting aside, in MA Mictlan we have the only case where the god clearly forbidden Blood magic. Unfortunately, game engine does not (for now?) enforce this. Another interesting bit is that EA Marverni's god accepts blood sacrifices, but the nation has no Blood mages.