Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running
I'm worn out, but I can go on, and after having fought so hard for victory after a crazy comeback I'm inclined to follow through with it, I think I just about wringed all the end game experience with ryleh as I can. This game really taught me how to maximize ryleh's potential.
I did note that people are doing half turns (I can understand why... I'm not doing full turns myself):
Atlantis: Slow in retaking empty raided provinces (well... not so empty anymore after 1+ year of raiding), seems to be generally micro fatigued and not really doing much.
Ryleh: not fully scripting forge / rituals / army orders / logistics. Micro fatigued but hanging in there.
Patala: Overwhelmed by the nation, kinda attacked atlantis but went limp from over-micro fatigue. It looks like 2 boxers into round 10 and dead on their feet =P.
Man: Weary of the crazy micro should he declare a war (Pangaea don't count), thus ended up just kinda sitting and hanging, sorta like Patala except they went limp after declaring war (It's the same with me in another game, so I know).
Pangaea: Props for hanging on and sticking to it this far, but not much they can do at this point.
Agartha: Subbed in a critical moment just when the tide of war is shifting between them and ryleh, alas no time to adjust to nation tactics and did as well as they could, now the war that lasted 5+ years is all but settled. Also running out of steam like the rest of us, subbing into a pressure cooker situation didn't help.
So... assuming my assessment is close, we might as well call it, but if I'm wrong and any of you have hidden reservoirs of energy, let's play.
Btw Otherling, seems everyone but you and Pan has turns done, I'll force host once your turn is in.