Originally Posted by bbz
To Deathjester : Did you by any chance try that communion without the communion master casting power of the spheres and light of the northern star?
He wouldn't, as without these spells slaves won't get any bonuses for casting as opposed to reducing fatigue.
In other words - communion was aimed to increase power of the
master. Slaves were not initially supposed to cast (or do) anything. But one feature of the communion (probably related to fatigue sharing itself, but maybe no) is that slaves share effects of any "self" spells master casts. I.e., spells with range of 0.
And slaves are found to be able to act if they act before master casts in this round. These 2, probably unplanned features, allowed for "linebacker" and "reverse" communions as described in Baalz' guide.
So, you were right in noting that communion
per se doesn't increase slaves' power. But it allows master to increase it through spells. After master(s) do so, slaves may then be used as mass-casters. By the way, if masters stay in the field, but don't cast, slaves are able to act. One known good way to provide for this is to arm master(s) with x-bows or something and order them to fire.