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Old May 15th, 2011, 01:32 AM
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Default Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. Open + Recruiting. 8 players signed up.

LoloMo, I understand but for convenience sake I think we should go with the current version of ENP. Besides, I don't know what mojo llamabeast used to make the compilation. If llamabeast happens to make a newer one then we can use it, otherwise we go with this one even if it means using a slightly not up to date version.

Deadnature, getting a only die hard vets game going is becoming quite hard. Some have retired, some mostly play RAND games so if I were to insist on, say, 3+ years of MP experience I wouldn't be able to pull of a game (of, say 20 players) and would need to make tough decisions re. who can or can't join.
I think your experience is sufficient and so long as we don't have complete NewBs on board or players that would go AI or get discouraged on the first battle lost we should be in good shape.
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