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Old May 18th, 2011, 07:11 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]

Actually no, the game is officially over. I was just waiting back to hear from everyone still. Today I heard from fomoria, who a few other people's votes were contingent upon, and the consensus seems to be that TC was going to win soon and there was no point in going through the effort of finding a sub to continue the game. Good game everyone. Congratulations TC on your victory!

Here's my player list:

1. Yomi - Dimaz
2. C'tis - Calahan
3. R'lyeh - WraithLord
4. Ulm - WingedDog
5. Atlantis - Isokron
6. Fomoria - Slobby
7. Ermor - Alpine Joe (temp subbed by vfb) (subbed by valerius)
8. Kailasa - TwoBits
9. Agartha - Squirrelloid
10. Mictlan - Frozen Lama
11. Tir na n'Og - Agusti
12. Arcoscephale - Don Pablo
13. Hinnom - Danbo
14. Pangaea - LumenPlacidum (temp subbed by Ferrosol)
15. T'ien Ch'i - Psycho (subbed by dimaz)
16. Lanka - yandav
17. Oceania - Graeme Dice
18. Helheim - ghoul31
19. Sauromatia - Rytek
20. Caelum - Lingchih
21. Vanheim - GameExtremist
22. Abysia - Aethyr
23. Niefelheim - Stagger Lee
24. Marverni - Kheldron

Apologies to any subs who aren't listed there, I lost my player list for a while and wasn't able to update it for a time. So if you're not listed, please speak up so we know you were there
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