Originally Posted by WraithLord
Evidently we decided to cont.
May we know who was TNN player who went AI?
Doesn't everyone already know? Since the TNN player revealed his identity before the game even started. (or at least he did to those paying attention)
And mainly posting to congratulate the TNN player on the most pointless ever existence in a MP game of Dominions, as your presence in this game was the most utterly pointless waste of time I have ever witnessed in my 3+ years of playing MP games. You really should get an award for it I reckon, as it truly was masterful the way you managed to do nothing at all the entire game.
I do not understand why people even bother playing MP games if they have no intention what-so-ever of interacting with the other nations in the game. If you want to play a sandbox game, then go fire up Sim City or Sim People or whatever. If you are just happy to survive, then go play some Tower Defence game. But most of all keep out of MP games, as your "sit there and do nothing" approach for 80+ turns isn't wanted by anyone (who enjoys playing good MP games).
Edit - Ah, rdonj jumped me it seems with the final list. Congrats to TC on the win.