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Old May 18th, 2011, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
Yes. for me it was like that.

A. Finish game long war with Atlantis.
B. Lick my wounds a bit. look around. TC is winning but surely Fomoria would attack it since he can also be in good position to win.
C. The turns go by. Ok, deep breath. Any second now Fomoria would attack TC. For sure Arco + TNN would join in and by then I'd have enough AotF and summons to exercise power on land and join as well.
D. In the meantime I'll put some minor effort to take Ermor. I can't sit idly by. right?- too boring
E. Fomoria attack Arco. What???- And I was thinking - congrats TC. Fomoria's decision just won you the game
Heh I find all this Fomoria hands the game over to TC talk quite funny. I'll do a more in depth as to my choices in a follow up post/wrap of the game, but for now just going to concentrate on the Fomoria gave TC the win talk.

Point C of WL I'll take a stab at first - namely because with a no diplo game there is no guarantee that a team gank would occur, mostly because you don't know what the other players are thinking/doing. If I had gone after TC there was just as good a chance that they would come after me as TC, seeing how TC was the big bad wolf in this game and not I. Also you'd have to count on every player playing to win.

As both WL and Cal pointed out already the player behind TNN didn't do jack, and I found it funny that the turn after I attacked TNN the player went AI.

Also if anyone had an awesome chance to stuff TC from gobbling Ulm it was Rlyeh and not I, but you just sat in your beachhead right next to Mictlan with your big army, threatening me. I could also point out that Arco could have scored some of Ulm's caps as well, but that didn't materialize either.

Furthermore regarding TC they actually won when WingedDog bowed out and Ulm was subbed. The sub that came in played worse than the AI. I watched many a battle between Ulm and TC and got a measure of what each was about. WingedDog's defense was pretty awesome. Watching the subs defense well...I was pretty disgusted by it. Especially the defense of Ulm proper when it didn't even look like the Ulm sub scripted the army.

I knew then that TC had the game unless I could steal caps faster than TC could. And so I made up my plans and embarked on a 4 line/front assault on Arco/TNN with the plan to either get my fifth from Ulm or Arco. But that didn't go as planned on the southern front. Nice job Arco .
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