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Old May 20th, 2011, 12:58 PM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: EA Pan: What's wrong with this build?

recruit lots of Pans, beeline for alt-7 and Transformation to remove Pan upkeep (synergy with L3)
I have strong doubts that, with Turmoil 1, you will be able to recruit lots of Pans. Usually, you can't because they are SO expensive. Luck may help but early on you will just be unable to field many of them and will have to use dryads. This also means your early research will be poor, and with a sleeping pretender, you run the risk of being way behind everyone in research pretty fast.

I also think S3 is not worth it. It doesn't bring you much but magic duel is a very real risk. Anyone who can teleport and sees your pretender in a province will know that she has astral (enchantress) and not much (no bless), so I'd definitely teleport a squad for magic duelling should I see such a site searcher if I had some astral mages and was fighting you. S4 is a bare minimum, S5 or better is better.
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